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Now he's denying that he had an affair with me!Poor Alan.I fear for his sanity.He needs help.Soon.Or else a job that requires no honesty.Like banking?
Isn't it strange how the meaning of a simple word can alter with time. When I was a girl ( just a decade or two ago ) there was something extremely dirty about "procurement". It I really need to spell it out - read the definition for yourself. But we live in a very different world now, where those who procure are celebrated with glittering awards and get a pat on the back from AJ for doing it. Frankly they can count themselves very lucky if he stops with a pat. Or stops at the back. In the old days procurement involved sleazy sexual favours and a generous payment at the end of it. Does £144,000 ring any bells?
If only he had bothered to read the small print. That's AJ for you. It may say "the value of your investment can go down as well as up" but he never bothers with the detail. Too busy with the big picture, the broad canvas. Or simply the broad. Always the first to stick his fingers into the fire, or in this case the deep freeze, without so much as a thought for the consequences. Sometimes it paid off. Remember the Colour-me-Beautiful lady, Mary Spillane, I recall him boasting to me about how he'd encouraged her to get her t*** out, and guess what - she did. Well who's the big tit now AJ?